Video] What are the highlights of Yoshida Shrine and how to get there? The well-known power spot in Kyoto is introduced in the video!


Among the many shrines and temples in Kyoto, Yoshida Shrine is known as one of the most energetic spots in the city. This shrine is a popular place for many people to feel the history, culture, and nature of Kyoto.

In this issue, we will introduce the charms of Yoshida Shrine!

What is Yoshida Shrine?

Yoshida Shrine is an ancient shrine founded in 859 and located in Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto. It is also known as the center of Yoshida Shintoism and has long been protected by the Yoshida family. The shrine is dedicated to Sugawara Michizane, the god of learning, and many other deities, and is especially known for the New Year’s Hatsumode and Setsubun Festival.


Setsubun Festival

The Setsubun Festival at Yoshida Shrine is one of the most famous events in Kyoto. Held every February, the festival features a number of powerful events, including a bean-throwing ceremony and a fire-walking ritual. Participants pray for safety and health in the new year in the solemn atmosphere of the shrine, hoping to drive away evil spirits and bring good fortune.

Precincts rich in nature

The grounds of Yoshida Shrine are filled with the beauty of nature in each of the four seasons. In particular, the autumn colors of the shrine’s grounds attract visitors in the fall. The shrine’s grounds are dotted with shrines of various sizes, and simply strolling through the grounds is a refreshing experience.

Power Spot

Yoshida Shrine is also famous as a spot where visitors can feel its strong power. In particular, the “Ryu-ana” (dragon hole) located behind the main shrine is known as a powerful power spot and attracts many worshippers.

How to get there

Yoshida Shrine can be reached from Kyoto City by public transportation. From Kyoto Station, it is convenient to take the city bus, which takes about 30 minutes.

Alternatively, if you take the Keihan Railway, get off at Demachiyanagi Station and walk from there for about 15 minutes.

Recommended time to visit

Yoshida Shrine can be visited throughout the year, but February, when the Setsubun Festival is held, and November, when the autumn leaves are beautiful, are especially recommended. During these months, the atmosphere of the shrine is heightened and provides a special experience for visitors.


Kyoto is home to many fascinating shrines, but Yoshida Shrine is one of the most worthwhile places to visit. The Setsubun Festival, the rich natural surroundings, and the strong power of the shrine make it a favorite spot for many people.

When you visit Kyoto, please visit Yoshida Shrine and feel its solemn atmosphere and strong energy for yourself!
