200 tons⁉The charm of Shoboji Temple, a “stone temple” -Giant rock garden in Oharano, Kyoto


Zen kun
Located in Oharano, the western gateway to Kyoto City, Shoboji Temple is an old Shingon sect temple famous for its garden ”Ishi-no-dera”, dotted with huge rocks.
Kyoto pronunciation
The area is rich in nature, stretching from before the relocation of the capital to Heian-kyo, and is known for its historical buildings and cherry blossoms!

What is Shoboji Temple?

Shobo-ji Temple has its origins in Kasuga Zenbou, a place of ascetic practice established in 754 during the Nara Period by Chii Daitoku, a high disciple of the monk Ganjin. During the Enryaku period (710-794), the temple was transformed into Ohara-ji Temple by Saicho, and it is said that Kobo Daishi Kukai visited the temple during the Konin period (710-794) and carved the main deity, the three-faced thousand-armed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. The temple was destroyed by fire during the Onin War, but was rebuilt as Shobo-ji Temple in the Edo period under the patronage of Keishoin.

Basic Information

Name of templeShobo-ji Temple
Hours of operation 9:00 – 17:00 (reception closes at 16:30)
Admission fee 300 yen
Parking lot No parking
Location 1102 Minamikasuga-cho, Oharano, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto, 610-1153, Japan
TEL: 075-331-0105 075-331-0105
Official websitehttp://www.kyoto-shoboji.com/

Features and Highlights

  • Ishi no tera (stone temple) ” dotted with huge stones weighing 200 tons collected from all over the country.
  • The unique “Stone Garden of Birds and Animals ” with stones in the shapes of animals and birds
  • Standing Three-faced Thousand-armed Kannon (Goddess of Mercy)” designated as a national important cultural property in the Kamakura period (1185-1333)

Garden in front of the main hall

The karesansui (dry landscape) garden in front of the main hall reflects the beauty of nature with magnificent giant stones placed on white sand. Visitors can appreciate the scenery created by the stones in a quiet space.



Hoshoden, a guest hall, houses a unique “running daikokuten ” created in the Edo period. The statue is characterized by its dynamic appearance, stepping forward with its right foot, as if it is about to run. The garden “Hosho-en” is both a pond garden and a dry landscape garden, offering a scenic view of the Higashiyama mountain range in the distance. In this garden, there is a “stone garden of birds and animals ” that resembles the shapes of 15 different animals. Visitors can enjoy the playful stone arrangements of rabbits, turtles, penguins, and other animals.

Thirteen-story stone pagoda

The thirteen-storied stone pagoda in front of the Muroden, a shoin, enshrines 33 statues of the Kannon (Goddess of Mercy), each modeled after the principal image of a different temple in the Kyoto Rakusai Kannon Sacred Ground. The giant stones scattered throughout the temple grounds, each named after a particular place, are overwhelming in their presence.

Autumn leaves at Shoboji Temple
Cherry blossoms at Shoboji Temple

Event Information

List of Annual Events at Shoboji Temple

New Year’s Eve – January 1Hatsu Goma (first Goma prayer) Amazake (sweet sake) reception, New Year’s visit
February 3Setsubun Prayer Festival for good luck and protection from bad luck Azuki-gayu (red bean soup) and sasazake (bamboo grass sake) are served.
March, the middle day of the equinoxesSpring equinox memorial service -April
Early AprilFlower Festival Koto performance
Late MayPilgrimage to 88 sacred sites in Shikoku -Saturday after Bon Festival
Saturday after Bon Festival in AugustBon Segaki and Sento Kuyo -The middle day of the second month of the lunar calendar
September, the middle day of the Higan (equinoctial equinox)Autumn Higan Memorial Service Mid-November
Mid-NovemberAutumn Leaves Festival Koto performance
8th day of every monthFudo goma memorial service -The 21st of every month
21st day of every monthKobo Daishi Service -21st of every month

How to get there

  • From Higashi Mukoji Station on the Hankyu Kyoto Line, take the Hankyu Bus (approx. 20 minutes). 8-minute walk from the Minamikasuga-cho bus stop.
  • From the West Exit of Katsura Station on the Hankyu Kyoto Line, take the Kyoto Municipal Bus (approx. 20 minutes). 8-minute walk from Minami-Kasuga-cho bus stop.


Shobo-ji Temple, nestled in the tranquility of Oharano, is a unique temple full of fascinating megaliths. The stone garden shaped like an animal, valuable Buddhist statues from the Kamakura period, and historical buildings are just a few of the highlights. The weeping cherry blossoms are beautiful in spring and can be enjoyed throughout the year. Get away from the hustle and bustle of Kyoto City and lose yourself in the harmony of history and nature.
