What are the highlights of Okochi Sanso Garden and how to get there? Experience Kyoto’s nature and culture!


Okochi Sanso Garden is one of the places that symbolize the beauty of the ancient capital of Kyoto. This serene and historic garden is a hidden gem in Kyoto where you can enjoy the natural beauty of the four seasons. Let’s explore its charm together!

What is Okochi Villa Garden?

Okochi Sanso Teien is a Japanese garden located in Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, and was created by Jiro Okochi, a movie actor. The 20,000-square-meter garden features a beautiful pond, waterfall, and stream, and the seasonal flowers and foliage enchant visitors.

Features of Okochi Sanso Garden

  • Japanese garden with outstanding natural beauty: Visitors can enjoy the beauty of nature as it changes with the seasons.
  • A space of tranquility and peace: Visitors can enjoy a peaceful time away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
  • Photo spots: The beautiful scenery is a great photo opportunity for photography enthusiasts.
  • Experience Japanese tea culture in an authentic tea ceremony room.

Places to see

Beautiful seasonal gardens

The beauty of the garden changes throughout the year: cherry blossoms in spring, greenery in summer, autumn leaves in fall, and snow in winter.

Historic Buildings

Many of the buildings were constructed in the Taisho era (1912-1926), and their historical value is one of the major attractions.

Japanese experience at tea rooms

There are several tea rooms in the garden, and visitors can participate in an authentic tea ceremony by advance reservation.

How to Access

Okochi Sanso Garden can be easily accessed by public transportation.

It is approximately a 10-minute walk from the Nonomiya bus stop on the city bus, a 15-minute walk from Arashiyama Station on the Randen Arashiyama-moto Line, and also a 15-minute walk from Saga-Arashiyama Station on the JR Sagano Line.

Recommended time to visit

Autumn (mid-November to early December) when the autumn leaves are beautiful, and spring (early to mid-April) when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom are especially recommended.

Tips for enjoying Okochi Sanso Garden more

  • Visit early in the morning or on a weekday: avoid the crowds and enjoy the beauty of the garden at a quieter time.
  • Pay attention to seasonal events: Special exhibitions and events are sometimes held, so check the official website before visiting.
  • Prepare for photography: It is a good idea to bring a camera and a tripod to capture the beautiful scenery.


Okochi Sanso Garden is a place where you can fully experience the natural and cultural beauty of Kyoto. The garden offers an unforgettable experience for visitors, who can enjoy the seasonal scenery, historical buildings, and quiet moments.

When visiting Kyoto, be sure to visit Okochi Sanso Garden!
