Nison-in Temple: What is there to see and how to get there? | A hidden gem in Takao, Kyoto


Located in Takao, deep in the mountains of Kyoto, Nison-in Temple is known for its spiritual space of tranquility and history. The temple quietly nestled in this area will surely provide you with a new discovery of sightseeing in Kyoto.

In this issue, we will introduce the highlights of Nison-in, how to get there, and recommended times to visit!

What is Nison-in Temple?

Nison-in is an ancient Shingon Buddhism temple located in Takao, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto. This temple was reportedly founded in the Heian period (794-1185) and enshrines the two principal deities, Amida Nyorai and Yakushi Nyorai. Surrounded by nature in all four seasons, it has been loved by many monks and visitors as a place for quiet practice away from the city center.

History of Nison-in

Nison-in dates back to the Heian period (794-1185). At first, the temple was more of a training center located deep in the mountains, but over time, along with its beautiful natural environment, it has become a place that attracts many visitors. Especially in the fall, when the leaves turn red, the beautiful scenery attracts many visitors.

Places to visit

Autumn leaves

Especially in autumn, the autumn leaves coloring the grounds of the temple are breathtaking. The scenery of the temple is one with nature and gives deep impression to the visitors.

Main Hall

The main hall, which retains the architectural style of the Heian period, is a space that reminds visitors of the history of Nison-in. The main image of Amida Nyorai and Yakushi Nyorai can be seen in the hall.


The garden of Nison-in shows its beauty in each of the four seasons. It is especially beautiful during the season of fresh greenery in spring and autumn leaves in fall.

How to get there

From Kyoto City, take a city bus to the Takao bus stop, then walk about 10 minutes. It is also accessible by car, but public transportation is recommended as it is expected to be especially crowded during the fall foliage season.

Recommended time to visit

November, when the autumn leaves are beautiful, is especially recommended, but visitors can also enjoy the seasonal scenery of fresh greenery in spring, verdure in summer, and snow in winter.

Tips for enjoying Nison-in Temple

Visit early in the morning or in the evening, when there are fewer people around, to enjoy Nison-in Temple in a more tranquil atmosphere. You can also combine your visit with a nature walk in the surrounding area for an even more rewarding experience.


Nison-in Temple, located in the quiet mountains of Takao, Kyoto, deeply impresses visitors with its history, natural beauty, and spiritual atmosphere.

Why not spend a quiet moment here, away from the city center?
