Video: What are the highlights of Myoshinji Temple and how to get there? Myoshinji Temple, a tranquil retreat in Kyoto!


Among the many historical sites in Kyoto, Myoshinji Temple is one of the most peaceful and solemn. With its vast temple grounds, natural beauty that changes with the seasons, and a serene atmosphere that invites visitors into the world of Zen, this temple offers a deep sense of peace and tranquility to all who visit.

Here we introduce Myoshin-ji Temple, its charms, highlights, and accessibility!

What is Myoshin-ji Temple?

Myoshinji Temple is the head temple of the Myoshinji School of the Rinzai Sect, located in Ukyo-ku, Kyoto. This temple was founded in 1334 and occupies an important position among Zen temples in Japan. The vast precincts of the temple are home to a variety of architectural structures and gardens that embody the teachings of Zen, while the natural beauty of the four seasons soothes the hearts of visitors.

History of Myoshinji Temple

Myoshin-ji Temple has a history dating back to its founding by Ashikaga Takauji, and has continued to support Zen culture in Japan through many wars and battles up to the present. The temple has produced many famous monks and is also known for its many cultural assets.



The Hojo (Shoin), the central building of Myoshin-ji Temple, is designated as a National Treasure and attracts visitors with its magnificent architecture and stunning garden.

Karesansui Garden

Particularly famous is the Karesansui (dry landscape garden) in Taizoin. This garden, created with stones and sand, symbolizes the Zen worldview and offers visitors a moment of deep tranquility and reflection.

Special Nighttime Viewing

During certain seasons, the garden and buildings are illuminated for special nighttime viewing, creating a magical atmosphere. Visiting at this time of the year allows visitors to experience the beauty of Myoshinji in a different way.

Access to Myoshin-ji Temple

Myoshin-ji Temple can be reached by city bus or cab from Kyoto Station. The nearest bus stop is ” Myoshinji-mae, ” from where you can reach the temple grounds in a few minutes on foot.

Recommended time to visit

Myoshin-ji Temple displays its beauty in different ways throughout the four seasons, but is especially spectacular during the cherry blossom season in spring and the autumn foliage season in fall. The fresh greenery in summer and the snowy landscape in winter, combined with the tranquility of the temple grounds, also provide memorable scenery.

Tips for enjoying Myoshin-ji Temple more

When visiting, we recommend that you take time to explore the temple grounds. If possible, visit early in the morning or late in the evening, when there are fewer people around, to better immerse yourself in the world of Zen.


Myoshin-ji Temple is a special place that offers visitors peace of mind with its rich nature, magnificent architecture, and Zen spirit.

When you visit Kyoto, please spend a quiet moment at Myoshin-ji Temple and experience the traditional beauty of Japan and the teachings of Zen.
