Video: What are the highlights of the Jidai Matsuri and how to get there? One of the three major festivals in Kyoto’s history!


The Jidai Matsuri is one of the biggest autumn events in Kyoto. This spectacular festival is a colorful reflection of Kyoto’s deep history and culture, and attracts many tourists every year. Jidai Matsuri is a fascinating fusion of Kyoto’s traditions and modernity, and we will introduce its highlights and how to access the festival!

What is Jidai Matsuri?

Jidai Matsuri is known as one of the three major festivals in Kyoto and is held annually on October 22. The festival began in 794 to commemorate the founding of the Heian-kyo capital, and its main event is a parade that recreates over a thousand years of history of the ancient capital of Kyoto. Historical figures and culture from the Heian period to the Meiji period are colorfully depicted by approximately 2,000 participants.


History Parade

The highlight of the Jidai Matsuri is the History Parade, a 2-kilometer procession from the Kyoto Imperial Palace to Heian Shrine. The participants, dressed in gorgeous costumes, parade through the streets of Kyoto dressed as the symbolic figures of their respective eras.

The costumes of each period, including aristocrats and warriors of the Heian period and merchants of the Edo period, are faithfully reproduced down to the smallest detail, and the splendor and beauty of the costumes is breathtaking!

Preliminary Events

On the day before the parade, pre-event events are held at the Kyoto Imperial Palace and other locations to allow visitors to see the costume fittings of the participants and rehearsals for the parade.

How to get there

The Jidai Matsuri parade runs from the Kyoto Imperial Palace to Heian Shrine. The nearest station to the Gosho is Marutamachi Station on the Kyoto Municipal Subway Karasuma Line. Heian Shrine is accessible on foot from Higashiyama Station on the Kyoto Municipal Subway Tozai Line.

Start point: Kyoto Imperial Palace

Goal point: Heian Jingu Shrine

Tips for enjoying the Jidai Matsuri

  • Get there early: It is important to arrive several hours before the parade starts in order to secure a good viewing spot.
  • Check information in advance: Check the parade route and schedule in advance.
  • Comfortable shoes: To enjoy the parade and related events, it is recommended to wear comfortable walking shoes!


The Jidai Matsuri is a great opportunity to get a closer look at Kyoto’s rich history and culture. It will be an unforgettable experience for those interested in history as well as for those who enjoy beautiful costumes and traditional parades.

We invite you to experience the magnificent festival that is a part of Kyoto’s history this fall!
