Video: What are the highlights of Ginkakuji Temple and how to get there? Enjoy the cultural heritage of Higashiyama, Kyoto!


Nestled at the foot of Mount Higashiyama in Kyoto, Ginkakuji Temple is a temple known for its serene beauty.

In this article, we will delve into the history, highlights, and reasons why you should visit Ginkakuji Temple. We will show you all that Ginkakuji has to offer!

What is Ginkakuji Temple?

Ginkakuji Temple, officially called Jishoji Temple, was built by the Ashikaga shoguns in the Muromachi period (1336-1573). It inherited the Higashiyama culture of Kinkakuji Temple and is known for its architecture and gardens that embody the spirit of Zen Buddhism.

It is said that the name “Ginkakuji” originated in the Edo period (1603-1867), when the temple was called “Ginkakuji” (Silver Pavilion) as opposed to “Kinkakuji.

Its graceful appearance continues to attract many people.

History of Ginkakuji

Ginkakuji was founded in 1482 by Ashikaga Yoshimasa, the 8th shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate. Yoshimasa loved culture and the arts, and used the temple as a cultural center and his own retreat. The temple has undergone several restorations over the years, and is still standing today.


Ginkaku (Silver Pavilion)

As the name suggests, the Ginkaku is the symbol of Ginkakuji. Although it is not as showy as the Kinkakuji, the delicate beauty of the Ginkakuji attracts visitors to the temple.

Karesansui Garden

The garden of Ginkakuji is one of the most famous dry landscape gardens in Japan. In particular, the sea of white sand called “Ginshadan” and the “Tsukimidai” rising in the center of the sea leave a deep impression on the viewer.

Philosophical Path

Philosopher’s Path, which stretches south from Ginkakuji Temple, is beautiful with cherry blossoms in spring and autumn leaves in fall, making it an ideal place for a stroll. The approach to Ginkakuji through Philosophical Path is sure to be a special time for visitors.

Video: What are the highlights of the Philosopher’s Path and how to get there? Walking and exploring the natural beauty of the four seasons!
2024.03.24 観光

How to get there

Public transportation is the most convenient way to reach Ginkakuji Temple from Kyoto City. Take a city bus and get off at the ” Ginkakuji-michi ” or “Philosopher ‘s Path ” bus stop, then walk for a few minutes.

Recommended time to visit

Ginkakuji changes its beauty throughout the four seasons, but is especially spectacular during the cherry blossom season in spring and the autumn foliage season in fall. The peaceful spring and the colorful autumn make Ginkakuji even more picturesque!

Tips on how to enjoy Ginkakuji more

When visiting Ginkakuji Temple, be sure to leave some time to enjoy the surrounding cultural assets and nature. By taking time to walk along the Philosopher’s Path and feel the nature and history of Kyoto, you will be able to appreciate the charm of Ginkakuji even more deeply.


Ginkakuji Temple, along with its historical background, is one of the most beautiful temples symbolizing Kyoto. Although it is not flashy, its serene beauty leaves a deep impression on visitors.

If you visit Kyoto, please visit Ginkakuji Temple and experience its charm!
