Chion-in Temple: What is there to see and how to get there? Experience the atmosphere of the ancient capital with its beautiful architecture!


Located in the Higashiyama area, which retains the atmosphere of the ancient capital of Kyoto, Chion-in Temple (Chion-in) attracts many people with its historical and spiritual value. Known as the head temple of the Jodo sect, this temple, along with its beautiful architecture, preserves the history and culture of Kyoto to this day.

In this article, we will introduce the highlights of Chion-in, how to get there, and recommended times to visit!

What is Chion-in Temple?

Chion-in Temple was founded in 1175 by Honen, the founder of the Jodo sect of Buddhism. Over its long history, Chion-in has developed into a center of religion, culture, and history in Kyoto. In particular, the main hall (Amida Hall), designated as a National Treasure, overwhelms visitors with its grand scale and beauty.

History of Chion-in Temple

Chion-in Temple was founded in 1175. The temple was built by Honen, the founder of Buddhism, to spread the teachings of the Jodo sect, and since then it has been worshipped by many people and occupies an important place in the history of Buddhism in Japan. Throughout its history, Chion-in has overcome many difficulties and continues to uphold its spirit to this day.


Main Hall (Amida Hall)

Designated as a National Treasure, the main hall is the central building of Chion-in. Inside, Honen Shonin is enshrined, and its grandeur is a must-see.

Sanmon Gate

Sanmon Gate, with its beautiful view from Kyoto City, is designated as an Important Cultural Property. The view from this gate is also known as the best spot from which to view all of Kyoto.

Statue of Honen Shonin

The wooden statue of Honen Shonin is the spiritual symbol of Chion-in Temple. The statue, which conveys the teachings of Honen Shonin to the present, is revered by many.

How to get there

The temple is accessible from Kyoto City by city bus or subway. The nearest station is Higashiyama Station on the Kyoto Municipal Subway Tozai Line, from where it is about a 10-minute walk.

Recommended time to visit

Although the cherry blossoms in spring and the autumn leaves in fall are especially beautiful, visitors can experience the historical architecture and spiritual value of Chion-in Temple throughout the year.

Tips for enjoying Chion-in Temple more

When visiting, take time to explore the various buildings on the grounds. Also, don’t forget to climb up to the San-mon Gate to enjoy the view from Chion-in Temple.

Furthermore, by attending the various religious services and events held at Chion-in, you will gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual depth of the temple!


Chion-in Temple, a spiritual landmark in Higashiyama, Kyoto, makes a deep impression on visitors with its historical architecture and spiritual value.

When you visit Kyoto, please come to Chion-in Temple to spend some quiet time and calm your mind.
